What is Stranger Anxiety?

What is Stranger Anxiety?

What is Stranger Anxiety? Anxiety on children

Why is your little one suddenly afraid of a new person?

Mom might be surprised if the smiling little one, who had been a guest star at family events, suddenly refused to spread her charm when she was around a new person. But actually most of the little ones will eventually do this. Welcome to a time of anxiety for strangers, or stranger anxiety , a natural phase of social development that begins around the 6th to 9th months.

Your child learns to recognize who his parents are and who are other important figures in his life from an early age. Initially he showed his joy every time Mother appeared, but so was the reaction he gave to other people. Now, with the more attached he is to Mother, the little one will be increasingly discriminatory towards people who are not mothers.

At first, your child might look more alert when dealing with strangers. He may also be more silent, and more watch over everything. Then he might strike or refuse if a stranger approaches him too close, tries to play with him or holds him. Stranger anxiety can then increase until it really becomes a rejection, with your child crying or protesting loudly to someone other than Mother, even when Mom is there too.

Stranger anxiety is one of the few stages of growth and development in the first major emotional aspect of your child. Indeed not all children experience this anxiety significantly, but most show this anxiety to some extent, starting in the second half of their first year. For many children, this is a short phase, but for some other children this can continue until the toddler's age.

Mother can't force your child to be sociable, and it's not a good idea to try it. Instead, you need to appreciate the signs of this developmental maturity. Don't force him to smile and interact, because this effort will only be in vain. Better, give him a little space and time, so he will warm up and consider the stranger as a friend.

This phase of development is different from shame. Feeling ashamed around strangers is a personality trait that is more likely to continue to be owned by the little one even after this phase of stranger anxiety has passed. 

Read Also :
Anxiety in Children and How to Deal with It
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