12 Signs of Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorders

12 Signs of Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorders

Lindlatecba  -  NOT an easy thing to distinguish anxiety  that is felt every day with experienced anxiety disorder sufferers. Because this disorder is often seen in various forms such as panic attacks, phobias or social anxiety. The difference between ordinary anxiety and anxiety disorders is not very clear.

As a guide, just pay attention to the following 12 anxiety disorder symptoms and if you feel you are experiencing it, contact a doctor immediately.

signs of social anxiety

1. Excessive worry

One of the most striking symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is, excessive worry about things that are encountered everyday, whether large or small. But the excessive levels referred to in patients with GAD are having constant concern almost every day for six months.

And so worried, usually this condition will disrupt the patient's daily activities. Sometimes this is also accompanied by other symptoms that easily look like fatigue.

2. Insomnia

Difficulty falling asleep or often waking up during sleep can be associated with various health problems, both physical and psychological. But if you stay awake for a long time and continue to feel worried or anxious about specific problems (like money) or even for no apparent reason, this could be a symptom of an anxiety disorder.

It is estimated that almost half of GAD sufferers experience problems with sleep. Other symptoms, you wake up in a non-drowsy condition, your mind seems to be racing against something and you can't calm yourself.

3. Unreasonable fear

When a person feels anxious, he usually refers to a particular situation or object such as fear of flying, certain animals or fear of the crowd. But if the fear becomes excessive, disturbs the mind and exceeds the proportion of the actual risk, then this is a symptom of phobia, a form of anxiety disorder.

But even though phobia is actually enough to 'paralyze' the person who experiences it, this condition is not always visible all the time. In fact this phobia will not appear until the person is facing a particular situation and knows if they are unable to overcome the fear they feel.

4. Muscles tighten

Muscles tighten, whether it's clenching your jaw or clenching your hands, usually often accompany patients with anxiety disorders. These symptoms occur so often that people who experience them will no longer be able to know the difference.

This condition can actually be controlled by regular exercise, but the muscles will re-tighten if an injury or other unexpected event disrupts the patient's training session.

5. Chronic digestive disorders

Anxiety disorders may only be mental problems, but this will be seen in the body of the patient, including chronic digestive disorders, namely irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is characterized by abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, constipation, and / or diarrhea.
IBS is not always related to anxiety disorders, but both often occur simultaneously and can worsen the condition of one another.

6. Stage fright

It's natural that everyone feels stage fright before speaking in public, but if the fear is so strong that no one can relieve it, or you spend a lot of time just worrying about it then you might get social anxiety disorder (or social phobia).

These social phobia sufferers tend to feel worried for days before certain events or situations. Even if they make it past, there is still an uncomfortable feeling that hangs in their hearts for a long time, especially curious about what other people think of themselves.

7. Feeling cared for and judged by others (self-consciousness)

Patients with anxiety disorders are not only good at talking or being the center of attention. But they often feel all eyes fixed on him or suddenly embarrassed, shivering, nauseous, sweating and stuttering on their own.

So annoying, these symptoms often make it difficult for sufferers to meet new people, maintain relationships with other people or experience progress at work or school.

8. Panic attacks

Not everyone who has a panic attack must have an anxiety disorder, but people who experience it repeatedly can be diagnosed with panic disorder. They will continue to live in fear if there is another attack and they tend to avoid places where panic attacks have occurred before.

9. Often haunted by past flashes of events
Remembering a traumatic event such as abuse or sudden death from a loved one is a major symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), whose symptoms are almost the same as an anxiety disorder.

This has been proven in a study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders in 2006. According to this study, people with social anxiety also experience flashbacks like PTSD patients but not merely because of trauma, for example because they are humiliated in a public place. They also tend to avoid things that are reminiscent of that.

10. Perfectionist

"If you continue to blame yourself or you often worry or fear making mistakes or doing something under your own standards, then you can get an anxiety disorder," said director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorder Institute of Maryland, Towson, Sally Winston, PsyD, as reported by ABCNews page, Tuesday (11/5).

Perfectionists are also found in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which, as well as PTSD, is often seen as a symptom of anxiety.

11. Compulsive behavior

In order to be diagnosed with OCD, one must have a high obsession and intrusive thinking, in addition to compulsive behavior, whether it is a mental state (telling yourself that everything will be fine repeatedly) or physical condition (washing hands too often or justify clothes).

Obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior will become complete as an anxiety disorder if this condition begins to drive your way of life.

12. Minder

Constant insecurity is one of the most common symptoms in people with anxiety disorders, including GAD and OCD. In certain cases, these doubts will dwell on questions about the identity of the person concerned, for example 'Do I love my husband as much as he loves me?

Read Also :
What is Stranger Anxiety?
Anxiety in Children and How to Deal with It
Panic Attack - symptoms, causes and treatment

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