Types Of Anxiety Disorders | List Of Anxiety Disorders

Knowing Disturbing Anxiety and Its Different Types

anxiety for no reason

Anxiety or anxiety is a reaction to stress that has psychological and physical symptoms. These feelings arise from the amygdala, the brain region that regulates a strong emotional response. Uncontrolled stress and anxiety can become unhealthy, both physically and psychologically. If you experience anxiety, it is important to immediately seek help.

Anxiety or anxiety is the body's natural response to stress. This can arise as a feeling of worry or even fear of what will happen later. For example, about the first day at school, a job interview, or when giving a speech that can cause some people to feel nervous. But not everyone feels anxious when facing the situation. Anxiety is a normal feeling if it can still be controlled and lost after the trigger factor is resolved. If feelings of anxiety persist and cause disruption in daily activities, the condition can be said to be an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders are psychic disorders consisting of several mental disorders such as: comprehensive anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and phobias.

types of anxiety disorders

Symptoms Caused by Anxiety

Everyone has an anxious feeling at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unpleasant feeling about something. This can be a reaction to stress or people who are unable to recognize stressors in their lives. Some of the causes of stress and anxiety are moving places, starting a school or a new job, suffering an injury or illness, having a friend or family member who is sick, the death of a family member or friend, getting married, and having a baby. Stress or anxiety because certain conditions do not necessarily indicate that you have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders arise when after the cause of the anxiety factor is lost, but you still continue to feel anxious, or anxiety that is felt to be very disturbing your daily activities that cause difficulties in work, school, or undergo your day.
Stress and anxiety are not always bad. In the short term, this condition can help overcome certain challenges or situations. For example, worrying about getting a job, feeling nervous before a big exam, or feeling embarrassed in certain social situations. If you do not experience anxiety or anxiety, you may not be motivated to do things that need to be done, such as learning to face a big test or be aware of the shortcomings that may have been present in you.
Some people feel anxious from time to time. However, anxiety or anxiety can be abnormal if it interferes with daily activities. Some of the symptoms that result from this annoying anxiety include a rapid heartbeat, palpitations (palpitations), nausea, trembling, difficulty concentrating, sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches, difficulty or not sleeping, and rapid breathing . Anxiety can become abnormal, if this condition arises for no apparent reason when there is no stressful situation.

anxiety for no reason

The Different Types of Anxiety You Need to Know

Anxiety or anxiety consists of several types, the following explanation:

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

    Excessive concern about things that are not necessarily going to happen, or worrying too much about simple things like health, safety, money, and other aspects of daily life that last for 6 months or more. Often accompanied by muscle pain, fatigue, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, and insomnia. People with this disorder find it difficult to feel relaxed, always feel tense or uncomfortable, and difficult or even unable to concentrate. These disorders are often not clearly known the cause but this anxiety is persistent and disturbing.


    Phobia is part of anxiety that causes irrational fear of certain things or situations, such as spiders, being in a crowd, being at an altitude, or in a closed room. Fear of situations or things that generally do not cause fear for most people such as escalators, being in the water, boarding a plane, or with certain colors or numbers is a sign of phobia symptoms. People with phobias will feel excessive fear or anxiety if exposed to these conditions or objects so that it often causes disruption of daily activities just to avoid triggering the phobia.

    Social anxiety disorder.

    This disorder is also called social phobia. Patients with this disorder have an increased self-awareness in social gatherings, because they feel watched and judged by others, and afraid to feel embarrassed especially when in a crowd. This can cause problems if the sufferer works in a field that requires him to speak in public or face a crowd.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    This disorder can occur in someone who has experienced an event or is in a dangerous, tragic, or traumatic situation that can be life threatening. PTSD sufferers often feel scared or feel like seeing flashbacks in circumstances that trigger the onset of the disorder. This disorder can be suffered by people who have lived in areas of conflict or war, affected by natural disasters, or victims of violence. Circumstances that trigger this complaint often appear in memory and sometimes in the form of dreams. Patients with this disorder also often experience depression, insomnia, to abuse of drugs or alcoholic beverages to overcome the disorder.

    Panic disorder.

    There is a recurring and unreasonable feeling of fear or panic. Accompanied by a fast heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, and feeling weak. This disorder can occur at any time and suddenly. People with panic disorder cannot predict when the disorder will occur or what the originator is. This complaint causes a lot of social and even physical disability because the sufferer will feel afraid if this panic attack appears.

    Obsessive or compulsive disorder (OCD).

    This disorder has the characteristics of obsessive thoughts, such as a sense of fear that does not make sense, and is accompanied by compulsive actions. For example, hand washing repeatedly to relieve anxiety due to feeling dirty produced by the mind. This mind is difficult to control and is persistent and repetitive, causing disruption of activities or behavior that is considered strange by others. Some of the extreme cases suffered by OCD sufferers are locking the door and then checking it again until many times to ensure that the door is locked. This obsessive-compulsive behavior can cause the sufferer to work late or sometimes not move at all because he feels anxious if the urge to take action is not followed.

list of anxiety disorders

Keep in mind, anxiety disorders are mental disorders that often cause disability for sufferers. Anxiety disorders often cause depression, suicidal ideas to avoid excessive anxiety, irrational thoughts, to abuse drugs or alcoholic beverages to relieve symptoms. Anxiety symptoms accompanied by a perception or understanding disorder, mood, persistent complaints and getting heavier without a clear cause are conditions that need to be addressed immediately.
Handling that can be done is psychotherapy with one method namely CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation therapy, and a combination of psychotherapy and anxiolytic drugs such as sedatives or anxiety relievers. Use of tranquilizers must be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. If misused, these drugs can cause complaints or other behavioral disorders that can aggravate the disturbances that have been experienced. Therefore, the handling of these conditions is the handling that needs to be carried out by a team of experts.
If you experience anxiety or anxiety, certain lifestyle changes can alleviate the symptoms they cause. Some techniques for reducing anxiety include eating a balanced and healthy diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, getting enough sleep, meditating, breathing exercises, exercising regularly, writing a diary or diary, recognizing some of the factors that trigger your stress / anxiety, and talking to friend. Make the trigger factor anxious as a positive thing so that you are motivated to work better or improve yourself. If the precipitating factor has been resolved and anxiety is settled or even more severe, then you need to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist.
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